A bid team 65 million years in the making

It took me a while to settle on my Blog topic. As a self-confessed process nerd I think most of the team has been expecting something methodical and structured relating to solution development, win themes or writing tips – “when writing a bid it’s important to remember… etc etc”. However in the wake of some (rather dauntingly) excellent and sensible Blogs from our ever-so talented graduates, I opted for a slightly different approach.

I started thinking about the purpose of this Blog, and how it’s not only a chance to show off our bid writing chops, but also an opportunity to provide some insight into working with the 50 Degrees team. After a little while pondering different ways to provide such an insight in as relatable way as possible – if Emily were a biscuit which one would she be? Would Helen rather have a ham hand or a suncream-dispensing armpit? (thanks Richard Herring) What is John’s spirit animal? (pretty sure it’s an angry guinea pig) – I stumbled on the solution following an impassioned (i.e. beer-fuelled, pub-based) argument with some friends over the greatest movie ever made.

The answer is of course Jurassic Park, and I (potentially influenced by the beer) realised that along with being universally adored, accessible to children and adults alike, and the ideal vehicle for a growling Jeff Goldblum in leather trousers, the film provides the perfect analogy for how the 50 Degrees Team operates. After all, the world of Public Sector Business Development is perilous; a sweltering jungle where bloodthirsty bid evaluators (OK I’m exaggerating, they actually tend be pretty friendly) hide behind every tree, ready to rip your proposal to shreds to ensure they identify the MEAT-iest proposal.

In this vein I have set out below an overview of the 50 Degrees Directors and Managing Consultants in terms of their ‘spirit’ Jurassic Park character, to give you a taste of what it’s like to work with each of them:

Andy Bowie, aka Dr Alan Grant

Gruff solution/bid leader with a slightly salty exterior hiding a heart of gold, capable of keeping his cool when faced with the biggest tyrannosaur of a bid customer. Would calmly light a flare in the face of danger for any client or team member, but does have an unfortunate habit of scaring young bid writers with a velociraptor claw when they doubt his methods.

Emily Bagley-Duncan, aka Dr Ellie Sattler

The undisputed matriarch of the 50 Degrees family. Not afraid to get elbow-deep in Triceratops droppings to get to the root of the problem, and won’t hesitate to swing through the bid jungle booting velociraptors in the face to rescue a bid or team member.

Matt Wells, aka John Hammond

The benevolent entertainer with expansive vision, driven by a constant desire to amaze people and help them see the wonder in the world around them. Eternally optimistic and naturally rule resistant, despite his extensive senior corporate experience.

Helen Holland, aka Dr Henry Wu

A ruthless perfectionist, constantly testing the limits of bid science to reach her client’s goals. Routinely splices proposal management plans with African tree frog DNA to achieve that killer edge, and definitely won’t hesitate to speak her mind to her employers and colleagues.

David MacDougall, aka Dr Ian Malcolm

The rockstar mathematician of 50 Degrees. Has an ability to find order amongst even the most chaotic of bids, approaches everything with a mix of mischief and innovation, and often justifies the chaos of a bid programme with the line “solution finds a way”. Probably looks amazing in leather trousers, but I have yet to see it for myself.

Mark Winter, AKA Ray Arnold

Oozes cool and competence. Understands bid systems to the Nth degree and you’d trust him to reset the bid programme in the event of a massive storm. Resident IT expert who frequently tells people to “hold onto their butts” when submitting bids.

John Ashworth, AKA Robert Muldoon

50 Degrees’ game warden. Proficient with bid weaponry and a skilled hunter of winning results, John lives to lead the mobilisation of bid & contract teams. Once whispered “clever girl” when faced with an unsuccessful tender result letter.

So there we have it! Now you understand completely what it’s like to work with this amazing team. Honestly there’s nobody I’d rather face a T-Rex (or a complex public sector bid) with, hopefully you can see why.

If for some unfortunate reason you’ve never seen Jurassic Park, then this article will make absolutely no sense to you. If that is the case, feel free to get in touch and I can provide character analogies based on the 90s Spielberg epic of your choosing 😊

Peace and love.


Dan Hill
Principal Consultant


On the pressures of work… and not taking up triathlon

